1. "If there ever comes a time when we can't be together…" A. A. Milne
2. "Two roads diverged in a wood…" Robert Frost
3. "The only consistent narrative we possess is one that we share with every other life-form: we are born, we live, and then we die." –Steven Erikson
4. "The creative mind plays with the objects it loves." -Carl Jung
5. "All animals are equal…" -George Orwell
6. "What I tell my students all the time is, you speak English, you have a passport…" -Joia Mukerjee
7. "There are only two ways to live your life…" Albert Einstein
8. "Music expresses that which cannot be said…" – Victor Hugo
9. "Curiosity conquers prejudice." –Bruce Frederick Cummings
10. "There are those who are with me. To them, I extend my thanks." -Andrew Sambrook
11. "Real music will always convey incredible emotions…" – MrSuicideSheep
12. "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." –Sir Winston Churchill
13. "Blessed are those with a voice." Mamoru Oshii
14. When I'm really at an impasse, I'll stop & say to myself: "Come on you jerk, it's just words on paper." –Stan Lee
15. "Have you ever been in love.." – Neil Gaiman – requested by granesele
16. "Whenever there is a hard job to be done…" -Wclter Chrysler
17. "Suppose that life was a story…" Shirotsugh Lhadatt
18. "Live a good life…" Marcus Aurelius
19. "You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of…" -Albert Camus
20. "All great things are simple…" -Winston Churchill
21. "If you really want to rebel against your parents…" Henry Rollins
22. "We could, as one race…" -Bill Hicks
23. "So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation…" – Chris McCandless
24. "What I came to realize is that fear.." – Wclter White – requested by Reptardar
25. "When you were born you were…"- Ralph Waldo Emerson [980x1393] OS:zenpencils
26. If people looked at the stars. -Bill Watterson.
27. "There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going" Beverly Sills
28. "Death is the ultimate barrier…"
29. "Peace has cost you your strength. Victory has defeated you." –Bane (TDKR)
30. I am, I hope, never offensive… (Hitchens)
Warm Regards,
Aditya C
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Aditya C
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